The most amazing thing is that the instrument doesn’t use ANY electricity whatsoever. But the sounds it makes… oooh!
Before I let you listen and be amazed (we’ll get there soon), I have a couple of amazing things I’d like to tell you about the instrument first:
You can play it by stroking it like a cat… and watching it purr…
You can play it with force like a drum…
You can play it with a bow like a cello…
And you can play it by plucking like a ukulele…
Now let’s listen, and be amazed!
What you just heard in that performance was captured in realtime, without any additional effects and with no post audio processing. Pretty awesome, right?
In case you were wondering, here’s how the Yaybahar works:
The vibrations from the strings are transmitted via the coiled springs to the frame drums. These vibrations are turned into sound by the membranes which echo back and forth on the coiled springs. This results in an unique listening experience with an hypnotic surround sound.
Now listen as he plays Yaybahar with seaside as accompaniment.
I hope you were totally blown away by that, and gained some productive inspiration to use in your work. So now it’s time to throw your synthesizer away and get a Yaybahar!