* Fun Shaped Boiled Egg Yolk Molds *
[ Fun Shaped Boiled Egg Yolk Molds ] : Unlike most other egg mold sets, these special Japanese egg molds focus on changing the shape of your egg yolks. Create special boiled eggs with egg yolks shaped like flowers, square or diamond, star, and even hearts! It looks great adding these eggs to any bento box or meal.
Click Here To Check Out These Egg Molds
* Fun Sun Rise Dinosaur Egg Mold *
[ Fun Sun Rise Dinosaur Egg Mold ] : If you or any of your family members loves dinosaurs, then this is the egg mold for you! Not only are you able to create the shape of the dinosaur, but you can even outline the shape of the final sun rise it sees before it goes extinct. Wow!
Click Here To Check Out These Egg Molds
* Fred & Friends Funny Side Up Egg Molds *
[ Fred & Friends Funny Side Up Egg Molds ] : A charming and classic assortment of innovative, creative and unique egg mold shapes. Enjoy the cat, robot, smile, and frog egg molds! Your kids will love the eggs you make from these molds. Once you’ve gotten the technique down pat, you’ll be creating hit meal after hit meal all day, every day! Savoring the unique Egg Molds so far?