The Ministry Of Health has certified your “Rubik’s Closet” as a health hazard. Because anyone who opens it is going to suffer a “body crunching” avalanche of colorful rainbow cubes that will inevitably come surging down and burying them unexpectedly.
But you don’t care. You want more. You need to satisfy that inner “puzzle craving”. And so you scour the internet, and finally arrive at this humble page.
You’ve searched the 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 6 x 6… the speed cubes… the Dayan Zhanchis… the mirrors… pyramids… and more… but it just isn’t enough.
But just when you were about to give up… finally, you discover a collection of the 10 coolest weird Rubik’s Cubes that can finally satisfy you. Your journey begins now…
The Ultimate Rubik’s Gear Cubes
You stumble upon a novel Rubik’s Cube that seems to grab your attention, and then proceeds to blow your mind. It is a Gear Cube. And instead of the standard square, it has what looks like gears. When you rotate the cube, it seems as if the gears are turning, which is pretty innovative and fun. You imagine all the hours of fun you could have watching the gears turn, as you try to solve the incredible puzzle…
The Silver Moonlight Mirror Cube
As you look upon the Silver Moonlight Mirror Cube, you stare intensely in awe. It is not just a simple Rubik’s Cube. With the silvery mirror finish, and the irregular shaped blocks, it has elevated itself to a work of art. You are amazed to learn that some people use this as a counter-top decor piece… when they’re not playing with it of course. You also find out that there’s a Gold Mirror version, which further blows your mind.
(*If you’re enjoying these cool and creative cubes, make sure you click here to check out more cool toys…)
The MegaMinx Speed Cube
It goes beyond the simple 2 x 2, and 3 x 3, and even beyond the standard cube shape. The MegaMinx Speed Cube seems like a freak of nature to you. But a good freak of nature at that. It seems like it could provide you with hours and hours of entertainment. Finally… a cube that won’t be solved that quickly…