I walked in and saw my bro wearing swimming goggles and going topless with shorts in the kitchen.
“What’re you doing?” I asked.
“Cutting onions.”
Turns out this is how he stops himself from crying his heart out while he’s prepping up a meal.
And the reason for the topless + shorts look?
Cutting and chopping is hard work. Enough to make you sweat. Especially when it’s summer. Or you have a really hot kitchen.
Recently though:
I stumbled on a cool tool that eliminates most of those hassles.
So you don’t have to look like Michael Phelps part-timing as an Iron Chef.
Plus, it cuts down meal prep time DRAMATICALLY.
All you need to do is put and press. Everything’s chopped up in seconds. And you won’t even have the time to cry “onion tears”. Don’t take my word for it though. Just check out the videos.
You can watch them here:
Dan Dou
The Endearing Designer