Several years back:
I was taking this course. And the lecturer had his wall painted with a special paint.
It basically turned his entire wall into a whiteboard surface.
And you could draw on it. With a whiteboard marker.
And erase at will.
It was the first time I ever saw anything like that. And it was too cool for words. All my course mates agreed. I thought about doing it a few times to my walls.
The problem though:
Paint is messy to put on. You basically need to “lockdown” your whole room. And it takes time to set, time to dry, and let’s not talk about undercoating. And what if you decide you want to change your “whiteboard” wall to a different room? Extremely inflexible. Though it was a cool idea at the time…
But a couple days back, I was on YouTube…
… and I saw this cool video.
The lady was showing a ton of ideas for decorating your walls if you can’t (or don’t want to) nail stuff in.
One of those ideas – using whiteboard sticker paper.
Like this one. But this one’s a lot cooler than the one she showed.
Not only can you draw and erase on it.
It’s even magnetic. So you can put magnets on it at will. You can even use it to quickly and easily turn any non-magnetic surfaces into “walls of attraction”.
You can get this item you never knew you needed right here:
Dan Dou
The Endearing Designer