We’re going travelling in a couple of weeks.
And we’re really looking forward to it.
The only problem though?
The flight’s super early in the morning. And we have to get up at 5 a.m. Which might not be early for you. But it is for me.
And given how we hate suddenly waking up at a time earlier than usual…
… and going through the first day of vacatio like a zombie in-search of coffee…
… we decided to just change our sleeping patterns.
Slowly. But gradually.
By setting our alarm clock 5 minutes earlier every morning until we get there.
Well, we’re getting there. Everything’s on track.
But one more problem:
Packing’s a pain.
So I thought I’d search for stuff that helps with getting over some of the pains of packing. Like getting charged hundreds of extra dollars because your luggage was packed a few micro-pounds over weight.
Looks like this might come in handy:
Dan Dou
The Endearing Designer
P.S. Pics here: