Last night:
I was eating out with the wifey. At a fine dining restaurant.
And while we were there, we had the chance to watch an awesome show going on out the window.
There was this street cat, with jaguar-like patterns on its skin, walking around. And we saw this sparrow-like bird constantly soaring high into the air, and then dive-bombing the cat before taking back off into the air, and then dive-bombing the cat again…
… and again…
… and again…
… and again.
With how persistent the bird was, I could have sworn the cat ate its whole family.
After a while though:
The cat got tired of the fight, and started taking shelter under some bushes so the bird couldn’t attack it no more.
Chess games are sometimes like that.
Especially online.
Your opponents get tired of your dominance, or just bored, and they exit the game willy-nilly.
Instead of playing with wussy randoms, this chess board lets you play against some of the most powerful A.I. chess engines. And it’ll even move the pieces for you on its beautifully handcrafted and hand-finished wooden chess board.
Check it out, even if it might spook you:
Dan Dou
The Endearing Designer
P.S. Pics here: