But for this showcase, let’s zoom out for a bit and narrow our focus. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular ones over just the last year alone (2014).
The popularity of these pieces was ranked according to total unique viewership over the last year on Street Art News. This showcase presents 10 of our favorites out of their most popular Top 25. It’s some of the best stuff out there…
So enjoy!
Banksy (in the UK)

This piece was created by Banksy in the town of Cheltenham showing three government secret agents spying on the conversations taking place through this phone booth. With the recent privacy issues that came up, it’s no coincidence this piece was created in Cheltenham, home of the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters).
iHeart (in Canada)

In a world of social media, this funny yet striking piece of art depicts how the modern boy bewails the fact that no one ‘likes’ him. You can probably feel the pain he’s going through with his Instagram problems. Created by Canadian artist iHeart for his project, A Sign Of The Times.
Bikismo (in Miami)

This metallic mural is both stunning and mind-boggling. Created by artist Bikismo, 4 days were spent creating this piece entirely using spray paint.