The Ultimate Huge Cube
Sometimes it’s not just about the challenge. Sometimes, the feeling is just as important. It’s a fact that you’ve understood for a long time. But you’ve never seen it truer than when you saw the giant Ultimate Huge Cube. This Rubik’s Cube is huge. It draws attention. And the effort you’ll take to solve it will surpass that of anything you’ve done before, just on the sure size of this thing. A conversation starter for sure. People will enjoy watching you solve it…
(BONUS) The 2 Player Rubik’s Race
Thinking back on your time playing the Rubik’s Cube over the years, you realize that the time you spent stimulating your mental synapses meant time away from family and friends. And you are overcome with loneliness and guilt. But then… you realize the existence of the Rubik’s Race, a 2 player Rubik’s Game where you challenge your greatest enemy to a battle of wits, to see who can match up the Rubik’s Cubes first. You are no longer Forever Alone…
(BONUS) The Rubik’s Cube Light Lamp
You have wanted to get a new desk lamp for a long time. The old one just doesn’t reflect your personality as a Power Cuber. So your eyes light up in delight when you see that they have a Rubik’s Light lamp available. It lights up just like a normal lamp, while also allow you to turn and solve it just like a normal Rubik’s puzzle, giving you a mixture of both Illumination and Delight…