Here are 18 brave little fruits and vegetables that ignored what you told them. Did their best to succeed. And they did. I hope you have a tissue ready. This will make you cry…
#18. This carrot wanted to sit around all day… and did.
#17. This turnip wanted to leave a bigger footprint… and did.
16. This onion wanted to become an Angry Bird… and did.
15. This green pepper want to become…
14. This broccoli wanted to point you in the right direction… and…
13. This potato wanted to become a sheep… and did.
#12. This potato wanted to become a cute teddy bear… and did.
#11. This apple decided to become an owl… nothing stopped him.
#10. This strawberry wanted to become a chicken… and did.
#09. This radish wanted to run away with you… and… did he?
#08. This tomato aspired to become a duck… and did.
#07. This strawberry always wanted to be a butterfly… he did.
#06. This lemon wanted to be a banana when he grew up… and did.

#05. This sweet potato wanted to become a snake… and did.
#04. This carrot aspired to become a dancer… he made it!
#03. This radish just wanted to lie around all day… he got his wish.
#02. This eggplant wanted to get an attitude… and he got it.
#01. This cucumber wanted to become a duck… and it did.
So remember, the next time someone tells you that you can’t draw, or design, or write… just show them these brave little fruits and vegetables.
And you’ll be glad that… YOU DID!