IF YOU’RE looking for the best, most unique advent calendars that are guaranteed to be a hit at Christmas every time, so you don’t have to look at more disappointed faces when they open your gift and discover chocolate and candy (yet again), then this will be the most important thing you see this year.
Advent Calendars have been a holiday season tradition for decades. So it can get a little bland, boring and predictable if you don’t start ‘freshening’ things up with something a little ‘out of the box’. If you’ve been doing the same thing for Christmas (every year) over and over again, and slowly watching the light in their eyes fade, here are some stunning ideas that will bring the stars back this holiday season:
A. Lego Advent Calendars
Great for kids or adults who love Lego, the annual series of Lego Advent Calendars makes everyday leading up to Christmas a fun time to look forward to. It makes for some fun activity to keep you busy too. Here are a couple of the best-selling unique ones:
1. Lego x Star Wars Advent Calendar

You’ll love the amount of spaceships in this holiday Lego Star Wars set. And the mini-figures will send you into orbit. They come out with the Lego Star Wars advent calendar every year, but tens of thousands of die-hard fans never grow tired of it because it’s surprisingly different every year.
2. Lego x Friends Advent Calendar

Tired of getting chocolate every Christmas? This advent calendar set lets you explore Christmas memories with Paisley and Olly. Each day ignites a new festive memory from when the friends were preschoolers, making this a great set to support social-emotional skills.
They’ve included a little house built into the box that you can match up with all your mini-figures.
3. Lego x Disney Advent Calendar

Are you or your kids constantly rocking out to ‘Let It Go’? Then you might enjoy this Lego x Disney set. Each day offers a new festive build or character to inspire play, plus the Advent calendar box turns into a game board for up to 5 players to expand the fun.
Every day will feel like a new surprise when you open the doors. Because they’ll reveal buildable activities with all your favorite characters, like a seesaw for the Snowgie, Ariel’s undersea palace, Moana’s mini boat, Elsa’s ice palace, a sled, Christmas tree and much more. Needless to say, the variety in this set is pretty amazing, with sturdy pieces and exquisite design.
4. Lego x Marvel Advent Calendar

This Lego x Marvel Advent Calendar Set includes buildable models inspired by the New York City street scenes in the Spider-Man movies, including a snow Spider-Ham, a hot-dog cart and Electro’s winter tree.
B. Unique Foodie Advent Calendars
If you love food and are surrounded by foodies, then these interesting new foodie advent calendars may grab your taste buds and have you rolling on the ground in ecstasy. Or perhaps even pain? But at any rate, you’ll doubtless have an unforgettable experience:
5. Bonne Maman Mini Spreads Advent Calendar

Love Bonne Maman? Then you’ll love having their incredibly delicious gourmet fruit spreads on all your dishes this Christmas. They’ve included bonus honey too. Everything made with their well-known freshest ingredients, something you may be keeping in your pantry for years to come.
Discover a new flavor each day, in the cutest little glass jars you can use for storing your supplies right afterwards. Try out their new, limited edition flavors this holiday season…
6. Sugafina Luxury Candy Advent Calendar in a Gingerbread House

Open up the Gingerbread House and what do you see? Sugafina Luxury Candy to bring you glee. Especially if you’re bored of everything chocolate this Christmas, this advent calendar has a nice variety of tasty gummies that are all winners.
Make sure to eat them all the moment you get them though, because they will dry out and go stale if you keep them too long. Just like any other gourmet candies…
Many are calling the box a work of art, and consider it to be Sugafina’s best advent calendar yet…
7. Walker’s Shortbread Cookies Advent Calendar (from Scotland)

Nothing goes better with hot chocolate than a plate of delicious cookies. Except maybe… if… those cookies were made of nothing but flour, butter, sugar and salt… and… if you got a new one to look forward to every day! It’s an advent calendar that even Santa Claus would envy…
8. The Ultimate Hot Sauce Advent Calendar

Want to spice up someone’s life this Christmas season? How about a special Hot Sauce Advent Calendar for some kicks.
The only problem though? Almost all the hot sauce advent calendars on the market taste just nasty. That’s why people are flocking to Thoughtfully Gourmet’s master hot sauce collection, and bundling it up into their own little DIY Hot Sauce Advent Calendar.
A little bit of extra work, but for that hard-to-impress foodie in your life, looks like it’s been totally worth it…
C. Personal Transformation Advent Calendars
Instead of stuff you put in your mouth or hands this Christmas, how about something that transforms your body and mind, inside out? These are some pretty cool personal transformation advent calendars that give you a new opportunity to take your life and relationships to the next level:
9. Calorie Burning Advent Calendar (For Couch Potatoes!)

Never feel guilty about binging on unending boxes of chocolates and cookies again. Once you whip out this cute little advent calendar kit, you’ll have fun burning off the calories everyday up till Christmas. In fact, lots of people who got this for the holidays say that they got so addicted to it, they’re using it the whole year round!
At any rate, it contains a new surprise exercise challenge you can do everyday. There are 3 options each day, so even if you can’t do one, there are options. But it’s designed for the average ‘couch potato’ who’s never lifted a finger in their life, so it makes for a good transition gift.
Especially helping you get into the groove even before you need to make your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions again…
10. The Mindfulness Advent Calendar

Instead of feeding your stomach, this cute little Mindfulness Advent Calendar feeds your mind by making you more mindful everyday over the holiday season. Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and just boost overall happiness.
What better way to spend every day of the holiday season? And just imagine how much more pleasant your family and friends will be when you gift them one too…
11. The Advent Calendar Of Kindness

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” — Desmond Tutu
This special calendar reminds you of what the holiday season is really supposed to be about. With a series of daily challenges designed to spread joy all around you so everyone can be jolly, it makes a great gift especially for those who love helping others.
12. Family Bonding Games Advent Calendar

Need to tighten up those good ol’ family bonds this Christmas? Well, get ready to forego the sugar for a year, and put those screens away, because it’s time to embark on an exciting experience with family games, many of which you’ve likely never played before.
The quality and craftsmanship of this advent calendar set is stellar, meaning you’ll be able to keep and play these games for years to come. And it includes games you can play across generations, so no one gets left out…
D. Cute Pet Advent Calendars
Humans aren’t the only one who get to enjoy the wonders of Christmas. Here are a couple of cute, advent calendars for pets that your furry friend may enjoy looking forward to each day:
13. Tasty Himalayan Dog Treats Advent Calendar

Here’s a fun way your dog can join you in getting new treats to look forward to everyday. You might even one to buy one for their siblings, lover, and best doggie friends. Every box is different, with randomized treats, so even if you get more than one, it’s still a huge surprise every time.
You won’t have to worry about how sad your best friend looks when after being left out this holiday season while you’re opening your advent surprises… because they won’t be!
14. Fun Cat Toys Advent Calendar

Dog’s don’t get all the fun. There’s something for kitties too. What better way to share the joy with your cat and foster kittens than with 24 days of play, with a new toy everyday. You can be sure they won’t be bored…
15. Handmade, Hand-Decorated Dog Cookies Advent Calendar

These aren’t just dog treats. They’re Doggie Christmas Cookies! And each one of them is handmade, and hand-decorated. The best part? They’re all locally sourced. So you don’t have to worry about garbage, made-in-China or made-in-Vietnam treats that could send your best friend to the pet hospital or worse.
These dog cookies are cute, and aesthetically-designed. It’s also cute watching your dog looking at the box, waiting for their next treat everyday.
16. DIY Cat Lover Advent Calendar

Does your cat have picky preferences? Would you rather customize every individual day in the Advent Calendar’s treat box to fit their special taste buds? Well, this special DIY Cat Advent Calendar lets you do just that. Add your own special homemade toys or treats. Why take the chance your pet could have a random allergic reaction to something weird out there?
It’s sturdy, so you can reuse it again next year. Makes some great Christmas decor. And the boxes are just the right size for toys and treats.
E. Christmas Beauty Advent Calendars
Make sure you’re looking lovelier and lovelier each day leading up to Christmas with these skin and beauty advent calendars. They make for some amazing gifts for teenagers and adults alike.
17. Burts Bees Lip Balm Advent Calendar Set

What better way to start the driest season of the year with a new flavor of lip balm each day to protect your chapped lips? Treat these like you treat your phone. Never leave home without them. It helps that Burt’s lip balm is smooth, and slides right on, while immediately hydrating your lips (no waiting) and keeping them luscious.
Unlike most other lip balm that’s sticky, and gooey, and may or may not do what they’re supposed to. And without all the chemical garbage that might make you sick over time.
18. W7 Beauty Blast Cosmetics Advent Calendar

Makes a cute gift for daughters, grand-daughters, nieces and more. The packaging itself makes opening it a fun experience. Makes an especially great gift for someone who loves all things cosmetic, instead of the usual candies and chocolate.
19. 12 Days Of Chapstick Advent Calendar

Can’t get enough of chapsticks? I’ve been there. So I got you. This collection from Chapstick is awesome, fun, and really cute. The combination of traditional and novelty flavors makes this holiday stocking stuffer a stand-out.
20. Body & Earth Christmas Advent Calendar

Pamper yourself for 24 days until Christmas. The packaging on this beauty advent calendar set is stunning. Each individual item is wrapped in a little box, so it makes you feel like you’re opening a new present every single day. And they smell great.
But it’s not just about skincare. There’s lots of surprises inside, everything from candles, to bath bombs, and more. What will you get inside yours?
F. Cool Escape Room Advent Calendars
Bored of the traditional puzzle advent calendars you get every year? This brings the brain teasing to a whole new level with a unique, but modern, twist – escape room advent calendars!
Can you solve the fiendish puzzles and escape before Christmas? Or will you stay locked inside and miss all your gifts for good?
21. The Missing Hollywood Star Exit Room Advent Calendar

If you’re a puzzle-addict, and you love going through loads of exit games with your family each year, this brings the year to an exciting close. It’s cool how they used the entire box to deliver on this escape room advent calendar experience. Get excited and tuck in for a whole new adventure…
22. Ice Cave Mystery Exit Room Advent Calendar

You’ll be shocked at how you love this one so much, you won’t be able to stop at one puzzle a day. But you’ll have to. Because… that’s how it works. So you’ll spend the whole day, everyday, looking forward to when you can continue on and escape your fate at last.
This escape room advent calendar uses the box to its full potential once again, with a variety of difficulty-levels, from simple to tricky, but nothing too hard that you wouldn’t be able to solve it. So that when you do, you’ll have a very, merry Christmas indeed…
23. The Escape Room Advent Calendar 2.0 Book + App

Unlike the other escape room advent calendars that are toy-based, this is the first ever exit room advent calendar in book form. And it combines interactive app-based puzzles with captivating storytelling, together with the exciting and immersive advent calendar + escape room genre that you’ve been waiting for.
Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media, and missing out on the best that the holiday season has to offer, this book brings you on an immersive adventure where you have to find and rescue Santa Claus in a thrilling new escape. The use of QR technology is integrated seamlessly with the old-school book format, creating a synergy that just hits home in a way you probably haven’t felt before.
Yes, you’ll need your phone to play. Not for the faint of heart…
24. Submarine Escape Advent Calendar For Kids

Unlike most of the other escape room advent calendars that are more for the whole family, worldwide bestselling puzzle publisher Ravensburger has released this latest masterpiece just for kids. But that doesn’t mean that adults can’t play too.
G. Best Plush Advent Calendars
Want something a little cozier and comfier to snuggle up to during the cold, winter nights? How about waking up to a new plush friend you can tell your worries to every day? Here’s some unique ones you might like…
25. Emotional Support Plush Advent Calendar Set

The first thing you’ll think when you open this and get your first emotional support plush from this advent calendar set is, “So cute!”. The second thing you’ll think is, “So soft!”. This set was crafted for adults and kids of all ages.
Put them on your table, on your desk, on your nightstand, and even in your luggage while you’re travelling. Great if you need some extra emotional support every day leading up to Christmas.
26. Pusheen Plush Advent Calendar Set

If you’re a fan of the famous Pusheen and her entire family, you must own this adorable advent calendar set. It contains a new surprise plush you can get everyday, and at the end of all the cuteness, you’ll have a lovely display you can use all throughout the holiday season. And even next year.
Makes a great gift for anyone who loves cute, plushy, soft animals…
27. Gnome Plush Advent Calendar

If for some reason you’re allergic to animals, and would prefer a plushie Christmas without them, then this gnome plush advent calendar might be right up your alley. The details on each gnome plush are impressive, and you can look forward to what each new gnome will look like everyday.
28. Finger Puppet Plush Advent Calendar

Yet another creative alternative to the boring old chocolate and candy calendars. This finger puppet plush advent calendar will have your kids squealing in delight when they open each day’s door, and pop the super cute puppet plush onto their fingers to play with.
H. Survival Advent Calendars
Is someone after your life this Christmas? Is the government hot on your trail, forcing you to flee civilization and seek refuge in the wilderness because you supported their political opponent? Never fear. There’s a whole series of survival advent calendars here.
Though you might want to get some escape room advent calendars too. For training. In case they ever capture you, lock you in a room, and you’re forced to hack your way out…
29. Survival Kit Advent Calendar

This survival kit advent calendar contains vital tools you’ll need to survive the next 24 days. From gadgets for camping, self-defense, hunting, and more… You may find that this Christmas determines your fate more than any other.
30. Survival Fishing Lures Advent Calendar Kit

Besides shelter and water, the next most important element you need to survive in the wild is food. And one of the easiest ways to get the food you need if you’re not exactly a professional hunter and trapper? Fishing.
And even if you’re not on the run, this dandy little lure kit will light up the face of any fisherman or fisherwoman who gets this gifted their way, no matter what their age. They’ll be so surprised that something unique like this even exists, and with the huge variety of lures, they’ll be showing and telling about it to everyone they know!
31. Even More Survival Gear Advent Calendars

You can never have too much gear when you’re out in the wild, trying to survive, fighting for another day of life and breath. Here’s another kit with even more surprises. Just so you don’t miss anything critical.
32. Mechanic Tools Advent Calendar Kit

MacGuyver your way out of any situation on the run with this comprehensive advent calendar tool kit. The more tools you have on hand, the less creative you’ll have to be. Especially during critical situations where the pressure gets to your head and you can think up a solution on the spot.
I. LED Advent Calendars
LED advent calendars bring pure holiday magic to your home, filling each day with the warm, comforting glow of Christmas spirit. The soft lights, glowing like embers, create a cozy, enchanted ambiance that feels like a gentle hug each evening, inviting everyone to gather close and soak in the season’s wonder.
These sturdy, beautifully crafted pieces become part of the family tradition, a treasure you can bring out year after year, with each flicker of light reminding you of past holidays and loved ones.
33. Christmas Tree Buildable LED Advent Calendar

As a parent, you’ll love this advent calendar puzzle because it combines daily excitement with quality family time leading up to Christmas. Each day, your child opens a box with just enough pieces to complete a small part of a charming holiday scene, adding an element of surprise and accomplishment.
The detailed, festive designs—from Santa to Christmas trees and cute animals—make each piece feel magical.
While some parts are challenging and may need a little adult guidance, the joy of seeing the scene come together is worth it, and the puzzle’s sturdy pieces and bright LED lights make it a delightful holiday decoration that you can reuse every year. It’s a refreshing alternative to chocolate calendars, sparking a new family tradition that everyone will enjoy.
34. The Shooting Star LED Advent Calendar

If you’re looking for a beautifully crafted advent calendar that brings a festive glow to your home, this is a must-have. Shoppers love its delicate wooden design, bright LED lights, and detailed holiday scenes, which make it a perfect mantle or table centerpiece.
Though the drawers are small, they still allow for thoughtful surprises each day, and the sturdy craftsmanship ensures it’s a piece you’ll look forward to displaying each holiday season.
This charming piece has even appeared on Hallmark Christmas movies, showing just how beloved it is! Handle it with care, and you’ll have a stunning, reusable holiday decoration that impresses guests and spreads holiday cheer.
35. Winter Scene Countdown Drawer LED Advent Calendar

Imagine the joy and warmth of adding a timeless, beautifully crafted advent calendar to your holiday traditions. This solid wood design, complete with a pre-lit background, gives you a robust, elegant centerpiece that stands out from the cheap, flimsy plastic alternatives.
With drawers large enough for delightful treats or tiny surprises, this calendar invites you to make each day leading to Christmas even more magical.
36. The Advent Calendar House LED Christmas Decor

Unlike other cheap options that fall apart, this calendar’s thoughtful design—from the drawer tabs to the quality finish—makes it a true holiday gem, giving you the magic of a cherished Christmas tradition without the disappointment of broken pieces or fading charm.
This wooden advent calendar is the holiday charm you’ve been looking for to bring lasting joy and excitement into your home. Imagine the anticipation building each morning as your child opens another sturdy drawer, filled with treats or trinkets you’ve chosen just for them.
With its solid craftsmanship and cozy light-up design, this calendar isn’t just decor—it’s a keepsake you’ll treasure year after year. No flimsy materials here; you get spacious drawers that can hold everything from candies to small surprises, while its reusable build promises durability even with daily use.
J. The Coolest Kids Advent Calendars
No more searching for that perfect little holiday moment—this calendar brings it all home in a way that’s personal, fun, and beautifully crafted to keep the festive spirit alive every day of December.
Imagine the pure joy on your child’s face each morning as they discover a new surprise with these unique kids’ advent calendars! Every drawer holds a little piece of magic, filling your home with excitement and memories that last beyond the holiday season.
37. National Geographic Gemstone Advent Calendar

If you’re looking for an advent calendar that will truly light up your child’s eyes this Christmas, this gemstone-themed one is the perfect choice. Picture their excitement as they open a new gem each day, learning about the different stones and crafting their own jewelry—this is a gift that keeps on giving.
With quality, polished gemstones and a fun, interactive experience, this advent calendar isn’t just another holiday treat; it’s a way to spark curiosity, creativity, and a love for geology.
38. The Magic Tricks Christmas Advent Calendar

Looking for a unique and exciting way to count down to Christmas? This magic-themed advent calendar is perfect for any child who loves a little mystery and fun! Each day, your little one will get a new trick to learn and perform, building their confidence and impressing friends and family with their new skills.
The set includes well-made tricks, an instruction manual, and even online video tutorials to guide them through each performance. Imagine the joy on their face as they master each trick, eager to share their magic with you! It’s the ultimate surprise for young aspiring magicians and the perfect way to create lasting memories this Christmas…
39. The Ultimate DIY Clay Slime Advent Calendar

A holiday gift that will spark creativity and keep your little one entertained for hours, this slime and clay advent calendar is a must! With 8 vibrant slimes, 8 types of moldable clay, and cute little charms, it’s perfect for kids who love to mix, mold, and create.
Each day brings a new surprise—whether it’s a soft slime, glittery clay, or a fun mix-in—giving your child endless ways to play and get imaginative. It’s a great way to add a hands-on, sensory twist to the holiday countdown, and the adorable, realistic charms will have them hooked.
40. IQ Maze Puzzle Cubes Advent Calendar

41. The World Traveler Countdown Advent Calendar

If you’re looking for a thoughtful and unique gift that will engage your kids while teaching them about the world, this craft advent calendar is an absolute winner. Your little ones will love the excitement of opening a new door each day to discover a new craft from a different country, from creating colorful paper crafts to assembling fun, hands-on projects.
It’s not only a blast to make the crafts, but it’s also a great way to learn geography and culture in a fun, interactive way. With easy-to-follow instructions and a cute passport that adds a whole extra layer of excitement, it’s perfect for sparking curiosity. It’s ideal for kids around 6-10 years old and will keep them busy and entertained, making it a perfect way to count down to the holidays!
Whether you’re shopping for a creative kid, a foodie, or someone who loves surprises, these 10 unique advent calendars are guaranteed to make this holiday season one to remember. From crafting and self-care to gourmet treats and quirky finds, there’s something on this list for everyone, ensuring that your Christmas countdown is filled with excitement, joy, and unforgettable moments.
So, why settle for the usual chocolate advent calendar when you can give a gift that keeps on giving day after day? No matter who you’re shopping for, one of these thoughtful and fun advent calendars will definitely bring a smile to their face and add that extra sparkle to their Christmas countdown. Happy gifting!
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is an Advent calendar?
An Advent calendar is a special calendar used to count the days in anticipation of Christmas. Originating in 19th-century Germany among Lutherans, it traditionally features 24 or 25 small doors or windows (sometimes starting from December 1st or from the first Sunday of Advent) which are opened daily to reveal an image, a quote, or a small gift like chocolate or toys. The purpose is to heighten the anticipation and excitement leading up to Christmas.
When do you start an Advent calendar?
Most Advent calendars start on December 1st, providing 24 days of countdown to Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. However, some traditional calendars begin on the first Sunday of Advent, which can fall between November 27 and December 3.
Are Advent calendars only for kids?
While many Advent calendars are designed with children in mind, featuring toys or candies, there's a wide range of adult-oriented calendars too. These might include beauty products, gourmet foods, wines, or even activities like puzzles or crafts, making Advent calendars a versatile tradition for all ages.
What are some themes for Advent calendars?
Advent calendars come in various themes to cater to different interests. There are traditional ones featuring religious symbols or Christmas stories, pop culture themes around movies, TV shows, or popular brands like LEGO or Disney, beauty and skincare offerings daily samples, and food and drink options including chocolates, teas, coffees, or even wines for each day.
Can Advent calendars be reused?
Yes, many Advent calendars are designed to be reusable. Wooden, fabric, or metal calendars with pockets or drawers allow you to fill them with small items each year. These eco-friendly options are popular for their sustainability and the personal touch of selecting gifts each year.
Where can I buy Advent calendars?
Advent calendars are available from various retailers. Online, websites like Amazon, specialist Advent calendar sites, or directly from brand websites offer a wide selection. Retail stores such as supermarkets, department stores, and specialty shops like toy or candy stores carry them. For unique, handmade options, local markets or craft fairs are worth exploring.
What's inside a typical Advent calendar?
The contents of Advent calendars vary widely. Some contain chocolate with small pieces behind each door; others might have toys or collectibles, often part of a larger set or theme. Beauty items include samples or miniatures of skincare, makeup, or fragrances. Some calendars offer daily activities or crafts suggestions.
How much do Advent calendars cost?
The price of Advent calendars can range significantly. Basic chocolate calendars might cost anywhere from $1 to $10. Themed or luxury calendars, especially those containing high-end products like jewelry or premium beauty items, can go from $20 to over $100.
Is there a way to make an Advent calendar at home?
Absolutely, making your own Advent calendar can be a fun family project. You can use materials like boxes, envelopes, or create a hanging version with fabric or paper. For content, fill them with small gifts, notes, or tasks. You can use candy, small toys, or even write family activities on slips of paper.
What are alternatives to traditional Advent calendars?
Alternatives include reverse Advent calendars where instead of receiving, you give away an item each day to charity. There are also activity calendars focused on doing something new or festive each day, like baking cookies, caroling, or watching a Christmas movie. Additionally, virtual calendars exist where you get a daily email or link with a surprise or activity.