But for artist and photographer Michael Paul Smith, this isn’t just about taking vintage photos. Not at all.
Because… there’s a method to his madness. A secret that we’ll come to in a minute.
Just looking at the photos would probably give you bouts of nostalgia. Bringing you back to the times of decades past. And he’s able to do that because Michael is darn good at what he does. In a way you wouldn’t imagine…
Elgin Park is a beautiful little town.
With that small town nostalgic charm.
Looking at the photos makes you feel all cozy inside.
And brings you back to the good old days.
Even if these are just vintage photographs of the past…
… until you realize that…
… it’s all just a man-made illusion.
Because Michael… isn’t just your ordinary photographer.
He’s also an artist. A model builder if you will…
Creating these intricate, realistic models based on how…
… he remembered life growing up used to be in the USA.
None of this is done with Photoshop.
The buildings are constructed of resin-coated paper…
… styrene plastic, and basswood, plus numerous found objects.
The vehicles are from Michael’s collection…
… of 300+ commercially produced, diecast models.
The result is a collection of photos so convincing…
… that even if you know, it can be hard to believe…
… that everything is just an illusion…
… that there is no such town…
… and that the good old days aren’t coming back.
But, we can still dream…
… that’s what Michael does with his art.
Dream-infused artwork that has inspired millions.
It’s not easy doing this though. Everything has to be just right.
The perspectives…
The angles…
And the backgrounds too…
… which are actually real-life surrounding scenery.
If Elgin Town were real, I’m sure you’d want to live there. But, as with all art, the beauty is in the illusion.
For now, you can see more pictures of this amazing vintage model American town to satisfy your longings. Just visit the Elgin Park website. And you can learn more about Michael’s work too and how he makes everything by visiting the Craftsmanship Museum website.