With only Jimmy for company, Rafael managed to find inspiration in the blank walls that surrounded his friend. And he started snapping. Photos. Of Jimmy Choo. As he pranced around the house in glee.
When Jimmy collapsed in happy exhaustion next to a white wall, Rafael’s inspiration reached new heights, as he grabbed a marker and drew a whole new world around the pup. He felt his long-dormant inspiration for art and life start to return at last…
Jimmy Choo was named by Rafael’s wife, who loved the footwear.
Jimmy has since become an international sensation.
The Jimmy Choo company was enchanted by the drawings too.
They commissioned Rafael to decorate some of their accessories.
Jimmy The Bull has released his own book with more funny art.
Jimmy is indeed a very cute dog!
You can check out more of Rafael’s artwork with Jimmy on their Instagram account. It is also updated with photographs of Jimmy in various funny poses. As well as other interesting photographic illustrations.
You can also pick up Jimmy’s latest book – “A Dog Named Jimmy“.
Seeing all this, maybe I should adopt a dog named Jimmy too. To rekindle the fire of art and inspiration deep inside me once again…