13 x 13 x 13 Power Speed Cube Puzzle
(YJ Moyu)
Your eyes start blinking rapidly as you look at the 13 x 13 x 13 power cube. Not 7 x 7. Not 9 x 9. Not even 10 x 10. It’s 13 x 13! Truly a monster… One that will probably take you decades to solve, if not millennia. You shudder as you think of how many sleepless nights you’ll have once you buy this massive hulk of a Rubik’s Cube…
The Sudoku Rubik’s Cube
You felt that the Rubik’s Cube was already a challenge for you. But then you met the Sudoku Cube, and you almost fainted in ecstasy. It’s not just Rubik. It’s not just Sudoku. It’s Sudoku Rubik! Solve it, and make sure all the numbers are exactly what you want them to be. You are awed by the incredibleness…
(*If you’re enjoying these cool and creative cubes, make sure you click here to check out more cool toys…)
The Void Cube
“Why is the cube missing some pieces?”, you wonder to yourself. But then it hits you. Because it’s a Void Cube. And it makes the puzzle so much harder. There’s no more centerpiece to tell you where things should be. But eventually, you know that it will yield a Paradox. One that you must solve to complete it…