These 10 creative secret safe box designs will give you that security you’ve been looking for. Now you can finally sleep peacefully once again tonight. Just check out these clever diversion safe designs, and you’ll be securing your home valuables faster than you can say “Open Sesame!”
Let’s begin!
* Hidden Wall Secret Diversion Safe Electrical Plug *
[ Hidden Wall Secret Diversion Safe Electrical Plug ] : One of the best places you can hide your most valuable cash is in plain site. Somewhere no one will ever suspect as being a safe box storage. That somewhere is your electrical outlet. Just don’t try to plug your neon lighting in there. Install diversion safe outlet in seconds with the included installation template and cutout saw tool. Provided locking key unlocks center screw of fake AC plug to pivot out and reveal hidden valuables. Very creative. Your electrical outlet is now your private piggy bank!
Click Here To Check Out These Creative Creative Secret Safe Box Designs
* New England Dictionary Diversion Secret Book Safe & Key Lock *
[ New England Dictionary Diversion Secret Book Safe & Key Lock ] : Have a bookshelf loaded with books? Then this secret safe box design might be just the one for you. Looks like a real book and will blend seamlessly into your bookshelf. Contains a metal safe with a key lock. No one will ever suspect a boring old dictionary to hold the key to your fortunes!
Click Here To Check Out These Unique Creative Secret Safe Box Designs
* Super Cool 5 x 5 Rubiks Cube Safe *
[ Super Cool 5 x 5 Rubiks Cube Safe ] : Can you solve Rubik’s cube? Maybe. But can you solve the Rubik’s cube with a combination you don’t know? Probably not. Introducing the Rubik’s Cube Safe. This Rubik’s cube safe looks like a replica of the classic and brain puzzling 5×5 Rubik’s cube. Perfect to fool anyone who is out looking for your money. A great safe to have, especially if you’re an ardent Rubik’s Cube fan already, and have dozens and dozens of creative and cool rubiks cubes lying around everywhere. This will blend right in!
Click Here To Check Out These Funky Creative Secret Safe Box Designs