3D Lego Milling Machine
Watch the Lego Milling Machines above, and be amazed at the 3D printing you’re about to witness. The first video is a 3D Lego milling machine, while the second one is a 360 degree Lego milling machine. Awesome!
(BONUS) How To Build A Lego Safe
Need a safer place than a cool piggy bank to keep your money where people will never think of looking? Try building a Lego safe for keeping your hard earned cash by following the tutorial above…
(BONUS) LEGO Creates Anti-LEGO Slippers To End 67 Years Of Horrible Pain
Few Things In Life Are As Painful As Stepping On Legos
Until Now… Lego As Finally Create Anti-Lego Slippers To Protect You!
The pleasure of creating Lego Machines comes at a steep price. Years of excruciating feet pain. A feeling that cannot be described with words. Finally Lego recognizes your feeling of fear and anxiety with their Lego Slippers…