The Big Pen Pencil Case
When you start to put pens within a pen, the term for that is probably “Penception”! But it’s true. This case is actually a giant highlighter pen that allows you to put pens inside of it. You have a highlighter tip at one end of the case, and an extra large eraser for rubbing stuff off on the other side. Just wait till you start carrying this around… Wow!
(BONUS) Fakus 3D Illusion Stationery Case
(Sun Star)
Put these cases on your table, and watch them blow your mind. And the mind of your friends. And family. And everyone who just happens to be passing by. The 3D optical illusion these cases create is phenomenal. It can be hard to tell what you’re looking at sometimes, and they may disorient you. But it’s well worth it to have something so cool on your desk…
(BONUS) Denim Pencil Cases
This case looks just like you cut out a piece of your jeans, and started carrying it around and putting stuff inside of it. Introducing the denim pencil case. It’s handmade, and makes you look fashionable at the same time. And you can probably fit it in your jean’s pocket if you want to create some… “Denimception”.