Well, it’s pretty boring seeing the same stuff again, and again, and again. So I went out and looked for some really interesting and unique illustrated Tumblrs. Fast forward a few hours, and I found a handful.
Here are 5 of the most interesting ones I came across. Each of these blogs follows a really novel theme, and they will definitely amaze and inspire you. And change the way you see the world forever…
#5. This Tumblr Will Change The Way You See Cute AnimalsSad Animal Facts is a pretty cool Tumblr blog that takes interesting (but sad) facts about animals, and turns them into cute little illustrations.
The project was started by illustrator and copywriter, Brooke Barker, and currently covers a wide variety of different animals, ranging from Kiwis to Crabs, and more. Brooke explains this interesting work as being “a series about the twisted and horrible lives of the world’s cutest animals.”
You can check out some of the illustrations below, and more on her site. But be warned, these facts can make you depressed. And even more depressed the next time you look at your favorite furry creature.
Pretty depressing, right? Who knew that such cute animals were suffering day in and day out. Muttering quietly under their breaths. But it’s still cute, nonetheless.
You can check out more cute sad animals facts by visiting their Tumblr blog…